Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well, I've tinkered about as much as I care to with the blog for now. I removed a lot of extra gadgets that weren't doing me any good, and hopefully it's loading faster for you, easier to view on your mobile (NDT), and easier to navigate. I've also started a second blog exclusively for posting my poetry, so y'all don't have to be subjected to it and I can have a place to back it up.

Now if I can just get some of those lucrative corporate sponsors (or book companies) lining up to do business with me. ;)

Welllll? I've never known you people to be especially bashful up til now . . .


Anonymous said...

I'm glad most of the widgets are gone. It was like MacWorld in here.


Anonymous said...

Nicer and cleaner. I think it needs some color though. I liked the photo you used to have at the top masthead a while back. It's a bit too corporate looking right now.

John in IL said...

This is like going from a Cadillac with every bell and whistle to a stripped down Chevette. There are in betweens.

It is a lot faster loading. I like that.

Kevin said...

I didn't like the red and green. As for the color, less is more.

Jamie said...

If I forgot any links that anyone used, let me know and I'll see if I want to include it again.

As for the color, this particular template seems locked into these colors (and no picture in the header) unless I fiddle directly with the xml, and I'm a bit iffy with that stuff. Though I'm learning . . . I'll see what I can do.

I wish there was a way to directly port widgets/gadgets from one template to the next, like in Wordpress. *sigh* Stay tuned. Who knows what I'll find, or do next!

Pat said...

Jamie, how about a link to the trivia game? Or perhaps it's there, and I can't find it.

Jamie said...

Yeah, um, I'll put that back, Pat, just as soon as I fix the clusterfuck I just made. *sigh*

John in IL said...

This is much better.

Jamie said...

Thanks, John. I hope it still loads fairly fast?

Pat said...

Thanks, Jamie.

North Dallas Thirty said...

Much better. I'll test it on the iPhone tomorrow when I'm out and not on the WiFi network.